The Neowise Comet as seen from the Black Mailbox near Area 51

The Neowise Comet as seen from the Black Mailbox near Area 51
The Black Mailbox grew to fame among alien hunters due primarily to it’s location: it’s at the intersection of State Route 375, later dubbed “The Extraterrestrial Highway”, and a dirt road that leads to Area 51. Here we see the Black Mailbox with the Milky Way Galaxy rising up into[…]
There have been many photos floating around that show the empty streets of the Las Vegas Strip. While many are impressive photos, most are taken in the early morning when the streets are close to empty anyways. I wanted to correct that. These photos were taken around midnight on a[…]
There have been many photos floating around that show the empty streets of the Las Vegas Strip. While many are impressive photos, most are taken in the early morning when the streets are close to empty anyways. I wanted to correct that. These photos were taken around midnight on a[…]
There have been many photos floating around that show the empty streets of the Las Vegas Strip. While many are impressive photos, most are taken in the early morning when the streets are close to empty anyways. I wanted to correct that. These photos were taken around midnight on a[…]
The Ghost Town of Rhyolite, NV
Desolation Way